At the Kovačine Camp, nature has a face
Here, nature has a face
Even if we hurt nature, it won’t give us an ugly look. However, imagine if nature had its own face, eyes, body, emotions or even a name! If we could communicate with it the way we communicate with people, would it change the way we think and act? Well, here, nature has a face. Her name is Gaya and she is absolutely stunning, and apart from being a real eye candy, she is equally impressive when it comes to sounds.
Eco postcard
Nature’s authentic flora and fauna, carefully maintained by our horticultural team, inspires awe and part of the reason for that lies in the amazing sounds of the diverse vegetation and animal life, with which our guests constantly come into contact. The plant design exudes pure imagination, the water of the potable Vransko lake on the island is simply miraculous, the campsite is full of olives from which we derive organic olive oil, and the sound of crickets is all around us – we are fully immersed in Gaya’s world.

Plant design exudes pure imagination at the Kovačine Camp on Cres
Awards and certificates
After that introduction, the campsite sounds like a real eco postcard. But there are no empty words and promises here, only a wealth of gorgeous landscapes which we have been meticulously maintaining and improving for many years. Our efforts have earned us accolades – we have been flying our Blue Flag for 21 years and we are proud holders of the Green Key certificate, the Ecocamping certificate, the ISO environmental certificate and the ISO energy certificate. But of course, our biggest reward are satisfied guests – and a happy and healthy Gaya.
Potable water within the campsite and the miraculous Vransko lake
We conserve the water of our Vransko lake with the help of aerators and use Bluetooth irrigation powered by an application measuring soil moisture. We have also placed warnings in toilets on the importance of conserving potable water and arrangements to set up a mini education centre called “Monument to Water” are under way, where our guests will be able to fully appreciate and taste the clean water of the Vransko lake, which is a true miracle for the island. This is why we must keep our water potable and its sources inexhaustible!
Thank you for conserving water – Vransko lake, Cres
Clean air and positive energy
Free from overcrowded traffic and pollution, we use the plentiful energy of the Mediterranean sun through 220 solar panels, have heat pumps, provide an electric vehicle charger, have our own two mini power plants, smart mobile homes in which the AC turns off as soon as you open a window or a door, and all lighting is provided through energy-saving and LED lights. Our employees cycle or walk to work, or practice carpooling, and we drive around the campsite in electric vehicles we call “popemobiles”! We have set up smart benches powered by a solar panel where you can charge your phone. Moreover, our air is clean and enriched with aerosol. Could you ask for more?
Our waste separation is 10 out of 10
We carefully separate waste in at least 10 categories across the entire campsite, including the mobile homes, and our waste containers are designated using codes and images. To make separation even more appealing and provide extra motivation, we have placed a cute handmade white fence in front of the containers!
Choose recycling – points of reuse
We recycle biowaste and wood and within the campsite, we set up three “recycle – reduce – reuse” points where our guests (especially the little ones) are happy to dispose of items they no longer have a use for. Instead of throwing them away, they can thus exchange them for something they need. Swimming mattresses, bathing suits, books, toys, containers, decorative coffee cups… all of those are in constant supply and demand.

Recycle – reduce – reuse at the Kovačine Camp on Cres
Organic food and family farms
Apart from its exceptional beauty, this tourist gem also boasts a rich culinary offer which recently put excellent local and autochthonous ingredients on the map. At our campsite, you will find a daily offer of fresh fish caught by the happy young fisherman Luka from a nearby village, have your pick of sweet fruits and juicy vegetables boasting healthy and vibrant colours of Cres, and at our market, you can get homemade honey, our very own olive oil and other local delicacies sourced from Cres family farms!
Future is bright
In the morning, a group of children supervised by our team of entertainers goes on a walk down charming pathways to clean the beach and in the afternoon, they pick their own or someone else’s abandoned shirts to fashion a purse under the watchful eye of our designer, plant their first flower or tree with the help of our gardeners or make their first natural soap or brick using mud, water and straw. Children’s activities at our campsite are always educational and we encourage them to put their endless energy to good use through programmes full of songs, dance, eco-theatre, learning and cleaning. Every Saturday, you can hang out with designer Vesna Jakić, who solved the problem of abandoned wool by organising a number of exciting felting workshops for our guests and every year, we come up with interesting new workshops aimed at improving the health of our guests and the environment, as you cannot have one without the other.
Visit out haven!
On Cres, the air is filled with the scent of more than 1,400 plant species, among which 43 species of orchid, 19 species of spurge, 6 species of sage, 9 species of violet and 7 species of wild rose!
Our water is potable, clean and natural, the nature is stunning, the air is fresh, infused with salt and many scents, and the healing blue sea is vast and welcoming! Our Gaya is beautiful, healthy and happy and cannot wait to greet you with open arms and show everything she has to offer – you only need to accept the invitation to our haven!

Olive tree at the Kovačine Camp on Cres